Yesterday, in effort to conceal my growing belly, I wore a large shirt and felt pretty comfortable with it. Brad came home an informed me that I looked like a "frumpy nurse" and needed to "embrace the bump" he swears that the baby bump is a cute look. So that is what I am going to do, I will take my husbands advice and embrace the bump!
As I mentioned in the last post, Keeva, destroyer extraordinaire, ruined our camera, so my friend Laura kindly took some 4 month shots for me today to share with family. You should check out her stuff, she is really great:
Enjoy my 16 weeks and 4 days bump (p.s. that belt really accentuates the roundness haha):
Hopefully these pictures will be a monthly occurrence so everyone out there can keep up with this bump.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I am doing super well. Women, please don't hate me for saying this, but pregnancy has made me healthier! No throwing up, no nausea or food aversion, and my auto-immune issues have been completely suppressed so far. Brad is a little worried that I am going to want to be pregnant all of the time because of how well I feel! I am starting to get to the point where finding a comfy sleep position is hard...but considering I am the queen of sleeping in, I can't complain. The doctor is really happy with my progression and she says that even for being a high-risk pregnancy, everything is just perfect and he is measuring at the perfect size! I even get to sneak in extra candy bars now and then because I am not putting on enough weight. I swear I am NOT bragging this is just the first time in my life that something with my health has gone RIGHT and I am NOT a negative medical anomaly. I am just praying the next 5 months go as well.
We have another ultrasound in 3 weeks to make sure his limbs are growing right and all is well :) I am hoping we feel him a little better by then. Right now I just get the occasional hard lumps in my stomach but no solid kicks yet. We are just excited for that next milestone.
Now for a Brad and Keeva update. Keeva is all healed from her spaying and as hyper as ever. Now Brad and I are just working to make her trained a little more and she is fighting it. Brad is working hard on his freelance, work, and everything else he decides he wants to do. He is also still growing out his hair (which I love) but the comments about looking homeless are starting to get to him so he trimmed up the beard (bummer). He still looks good though.
Well that's our update. I hope you enjoy it...sorry it is sooo long!
you are SOOOOOO beautiful!!!!!!!!! embrace the belly girl!!!!! gone are the days where we have to wear tents!! although it does feel good to wear a large shirt every now and then. :) and that's awesome you're not sick!! i feel like with pregnancy you either get the curse of nausea or not. i hope my next one i could be as lucky. and no, i'm the queen of sleeping in!! well, not anymore. i hated that point where you can't get comfy. (sorry for the novel) :) we miss you guys!!
You look absolutely radiant! I love the bump and I'm so gla you are feeling great! Can't wait to see more pics!
oh you look so great! i am so happy for you both
keep the pics coming!
Yeah! I want to put that photo on my blog but I probably shouldn't right? I am just soooooooooooooooo excited to tell the world about our little Hezekiah. YOu look beautiful and we are thrilled that you are healthy and well.
Love ya a ton!
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