Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th

We took the opportunity to do absolutely nothing yesterday. Hey, that is what we live in a free country for, right? Brad has been working his butt of on freelance projects and I have been super busy we slept in, watched movies, ate In-N-Out (we had to have burgers) and basically stayed in our PJ's all day. 
We meant to go watch fireworks but Keeva was shaking so bad that we decided to cuddle with her and open all of the windows to watch the fireworks people were shooting in the street outside our apartment. Poor puppy was so scared. Kai loved them though.

 Keeva hiding from the fireworks
 All the craziness outside was just too much excitement for Kai
 Cute boy showing off his outfit from Grandma Kim
 Doing his patriotic dance
 Such a happy boy
Assuming the position - mouth open ready to eat everything in sight 

Can't wait for next year when Kai can really get a kick out of the fireworks...and maybe next year we will actually do something on the 4th. God Bless America! 

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