Monday, November 17, 2008

hospital visit OVER

So I am home from my 2nd stay in the hospital this week. This was the last I am sure because I can feel the strength returning and the pain leaving. I am hooked up to a catheter right now which is quite disgusting but maked things so much easier and less painful for me!
I will be so happy when this is all over. I have now had about 16 different blood tests, another 6 culture tests and lots of IV's and pain meds.
They tell me that we should be over the hump and moving toward recovery. I think that it is true because I can physically feel the strength returning and I am handeling the pain much easier now.
I think I will be making it to Washington this weeked after all! YAY :)
This has been a terrible time, but I am sure a wounderful learning experience and I am greatful for whatever it is teaching me...

Thanks for all of those that I know have been praying for me, visiting me, calling me, and keeping me your thoughts. This is almost over.

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