Thursday, February 12, 2009


So I have been the worst blogger ever lately. I guess it's because I feel like I have nothing to write about. Brad and I are are same ol' same ol'. Still looking for jobs. I think I found something for 5 weeks at least. The census bureau is looking for people to go door to door and record the number of people in each household and they pay well so I think I will try to do that! Even though we don't have jobs, things have been fine. We have been really blessed because we have been getting wedding cards in the mail almost daily still which has helped us pay our bills. I am really not worried because we know that by April we will both have jobs for sure so no worries.
We have been talking a lot lately about internships and what we were going to do about that. We have been kinda leaning toward the Seattle area which would be really cool because we would be so close to family at least for a little while. I can get an internship basically anywhere, we just have to find Brad one that is specific enough in what he wants to do. Wish us luck!
Brad has been doing some cool projects for school! He spray painted a picture of me which was really awesome. I will have to post it later.
Overall life is good and I am getting excited for Valentines day! :)

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