On Wednesday Brad put his car up for sale, in less than 24 hours it was sold :)
We decided on Friday to go down to Idaho Falls to deposit the $600 in cash he made from his car, and for me to get my ring soldered. Brads bank was closed by the time we got there so we stopped in this matress store to look around. Next door was Down East Outfitters and they had furniture outside, I thought they only sold clothes so we went to check it out. Not only did they have furniture but they had a HUGE anniversary sale going on.
Brad saw a couch that was huge, it's called the mammoth couch, and went to check it out. I figured it would be like $2,000 but it turns out it was on sale, and then half off the sale price due to a bent frame and only cost $400!! The origional price was $1,400. After a little mental debating we decided that that was an amazing offer and we were going to buy it. The couch is 8 feet long and the width of a twin sized bed ie it's gigantic :)

Overall, we got a couch, a bed, and an ottoman for $650....when they were worth $2,250. Amazing huh? Not only did we have $650 in cash with us but then they offered to store it all in a warehouse for us until after the wedding for free!!! Best day ever!

Then on the way home, my dash lights (that haven't been working for two weeks and would be expensive to fix) magically turned on! It was a wonderful night and I feel so absolutly blessed! Someone above is looking out for Brad and I :)
1 comment:
Holy Smokes! What an amazing deal and an amazing night! Heavenly Father was definitely looking out for you both. John didn't even pay $600 for the car when he bought it, so that's great that Brad got that much out of it! I'm so glad to hear things are going so well! What a blessing!
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